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During your travel to Tibet, your tour guide will explain all the statues of Buddha in Tibetan Monasteries. Manjushri will be one of them. Most of the tours guide will use “Buddha of Knowledge or Wisdom” for him. Here is my brief explanation about him.
Manjushri is one of Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He is considered the Buddha of Wisdom. His name means “Gentle Glory” in Sanskrit. We Tibetan call him Jamphel Yang (འཇམ་དཔལ་དབྱངས།). He represents Prajna Wisdom. Therefore, he often appears in classic Prajna.
Many legend stories often say he is the master of seven Buddhas and all the mothers of Buddha. It is said that Prajna Wisdom is the teacher and mother of all buddhas. The Lord Buddha once said Manjushri was his teacher in his past life.
Iconography of Manjushri
Manjushri is often depicted holding a double edge flaming sword on his right hand and holding a lotus flower on which there is a scripture of Prajnaparamita sutra ( Great Wisdom). He is either seen sitting on a lotus flower on a moon disc or riding a lion.
The double edge sword is called Prajna Khadga (sword of wisdom). This sword represents the sharpness of wisdom that can cut the root of ignorance with its luminous rays emanating out of it.
The scripture on the lotus flower symbolises wisdom as pure as a lotus.
The lion symbolized the stern majesty of wisdom as it is the king of Animal. It also means Manjushri teaches Dharma without favour or fear.
But in Sera Monastery and Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, you will see his statue in Preaching posture as both monasteries is a great centre of Learning.
Belief and Worship
During my childhood, every parent would ask their children to recite the Mantra of Manjushri. At the time, we did not know any importance of it. But we would recite to please our parent. They would say reciting this mantra lord Manjushri (One with the sword) will make us very good in study.
As of now, I knew, He is one of the greatest Bodhisattvas. Worshipping him can confer wisdom, intelligence, a retentive memory, eloquence and the ability to master any knowledge we learn.
Emanation of Manjushri
Tibetan King Trisong Detsen, Je Tsongkhapa, the Gelug Sect founder and many current lamas in Tibetan Buddhism are considered the emanation of Manjushri.
His emanation also includes his different forms, orange, green, blue, white, four-armed or sitting on a lion. He has also emanated into wrathful protector like Yamantaka, Kalarupa, four face Mahakala and Black Manjushri.
Mantra of Manjushri
Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Di Di…..
ༀ་ཨ་ར་པ་ཙ་ན་དྷཱི༔ (In Tibetan)

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